High-quality biochar provides a solution to the challenges of agriculture, such as nutrient-poor soil. Among other benefits, the use of biochar reduces the use of fertilisers, protects groundwater and improves soil fertility and water retention.

The biochar sold by Carbon Cycle is EBC certified, which ensures that it is produced sustainably. The production started in 2019 and with the proceeds from the voluntary emissions trading, it was possible to expand it in 2023, which further increased the climate impact. The production uses local wood chips from PEFC-certified forests.

Benefits of the project:

  • By capturing biomass with a low economic value from sustainably managed forests and stabilising carbon through pyrolysis, carbon dioxide can be safely sequestered in biochar. If the biomass was left to decompose or was incinerated, the carbon dioxide would be released back into the atmosphere.
  • Porous, cellular biochar improves soil water retention and stores and provides nutrients to plants. Carbon improves the living conditions of microbes important to the root system, thereby promoting plant health and helping plants to grow better.​

Biochar improves livestock digestion and health and reduces methane emissions, for example, making animals use their food more efficiently. Biochar also enhances manure composting and reduces odour nuisances.​