Located in the state of North Dakota, the facility produces bioethanol and other valuable by-products by utilising locally grown maize. The CO2 emissions from the fermentation process of bioethanol production are captured, cleaned of possible contaminants and led along a pipeline to a permanent geological storage at a depth of 1,800 meters, whereby the emissions are not released into the atmosphere.

The geological warehouse is classified as Class 6 (Class VI), which ensures that the storage does not cause harm to nature or local residents. The classification requires that the institution also monitors and reports on its activities after the classification has been granted.

Benefits of the project:

  • Low-carbon biofuel reduces the need for fossil fuels.
  • Air quality improves as the use of biofuel as a transport fuel generates less air pollution and fine particulate emissions compared to the use of fossil fuels.
  • The project generates economic growth and employs local residents.