The Sodo afforestation project has been developed by local communities in collaboration with the NGO World Vision. It aims to protect the heavily degraded forest in the south of Ethiopia and to plant new trees to support the long-term restoration of the region’s ecosystem. To date, the project has already planted more than 450,000 trees, and the project area covers more than 228.9 hectares.

The amount of carbon sequestered in the forest increases through tree planting and forest protection, which helps combat climate change. Afforestation supports biodiversity as tropical forests are an important habitat for many species.

Social benefits:

  • The project has created more than 100 permanent jobs in the region.
  • Part of the funds received from the project will be directed to education, as well as to the promotion of health and environmental protection.
  • The fruits and vegetables produced by the planted trees improve food security and health.

Environmental benefits:

  • Protection of biodiversity
  • Mitigation of climate change
  • Carbon storage
  • Restoration of natural systems such as natural streams
  • Erosion control and water protection