Other expert services

We offer a range of ESG services to help organisations integrate environmental, social and governance perspectives into their business.

Our specialists have experience in ESG analyses across the board, so we can tailor our services to support our customers in meeting requirements related to other environmental themes as well as social responsibility and sustainable governance.

Some examples of our other services:

Nature footprint

The nature footprint indicates the impact of an organisation, product or service on biodiversity. The legislative requirements of measures to prevent environmental degradation and their reporting practices will soon also extend to an increasing number of companies with the gradual entry into force of the EU Taxonomy Regulation and the Sustainability Reporting Directive, for example.

The EU Sustainability Reporting Directive sets requirements for the assessment of the economic impact of biodiversity risks and opportunities. This requires extensive knowledge of the impacts on biodiversity at various stages of the company’s value chain.

For the time being, there is no standard for measuring the nature footprint as there is for calculating the carbon footprint, but several indicators are currently being developed in the experimental stage. Nordic Offset closely monitors scientific publications in the field and new calculation methods.

The assessment of the natural footprint must take the five elements that affect nature loss into account: land and water use, direct exploitation of natural resources, climate change, pollution, and invasive alien species. For these, the assessment examines the magnitude, type and location of the environmental impact caused by the activity. The adverse impact is reported as a single unit, which is the proportion of species potentially lost as a result of the effect.

In terms of the natural footprint, the key is to proactively define a biodiversity strategy for the company. This may include, depending on the sector, the assessment of factors and risks affecting nature loss, the identification of proactive, adaptive and restorative actions, the selection of indicators for monitoring the development, and the preparation of a biodiversity roadmap, for example.

The experts at Nordic Offset have extensive experience of environmental impact assessments in various projects. We can support your business in determining the nature footprint and conducting biodiversity studies.

We also carry out broader sustainability analyses covering the areas of environmental, social and administrative responsibility (ESG = Environment, Social, Governance).

Want to know more about responsible communication? Get in touch with our experienced professionals to discuss the right solutions for your business.

ESG analyses

We offer comprehensive ESG analyses for organisations that want to assess environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and governance aspects in their business or in mergers, for example. Our analyses help identify strengths and areas for improvement in these areas and provide concrete recommendations to promote sustainable practices.

Stakeholder consultations

We offer stakeholder consultation services, which are an integral part of sustainable business. We help organisations effectively identify and communicate with their stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and local communities. Our goal is to promote openness, understanding and interaction, which will strengthen the organisation’s reputation and build trust in its operations.

Want to know more about our services? Get in touch with our experienced specialists to discuss the right solutions for your business.